Political Crisis in Bolivia: Controversial Military Coup Attempt and International Implications

Ummu Alvina
2 Min Read
Krisis Politik di Bolivia: Kontroversi Upaya Kudeta Militer dan Dampak Internasional (Ilustrasi)
Krisis Politik di Bolivia: Kontroversi Upaya Kudeta Militer dan Dampak Internasional (Ilustrasi)

jfid – Amidst political upheaval in Bolivia, a military coup attempt led by General Juan Jose Zuniga has sparked global concern.

Zuniga claims to be freeing political prisoners, including former Presidents Jeanine Áñez and Evo Morales, triggering sharp reactions from the Bolivian government and the international community.

Today, Bolivia is rocked by a military coup attempt orchestrated by General Juan Jose Zuniga.

Zuniga, a prominent military figure, justifies his actions as restoring order amidst allegations of corruption and mismanagement in the previous administration.

The coup attempt has stirred significant controversy as Zuniga declares intentions to release several political prisoners, notably Jeanine Áñez and Evo Morales.

Áñez assumed power after Evo Morales resigned in 2019 amidst widespread protests over alleged electoral fraud.

Immediate response to the coup came from Bolivia’s Minister of Justice, Ivan Lima, who accused Zuniga of terrorism and armed rebellion aimed at undermining the rule of law.

The international community, including the United Nations and the Organization of American States (OAS), has expressed serious concerns over the deteriorating democratic norms in Bolivia.

This situation marks a serious escalation in Bolivia’s political crisis, with potential implications for political stability and security in Latin America.

The differing perspectives between Zuniga and Bolivia’s legitimate government underscore deep-seated tensions among political and military factions in the country.

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