Al-Jazeera Silenced: What’s Behind the Closure of This Famous News Bureau?

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Al Jazeera Bertahan: Jurnalis Berjanji Terus Melaporkan Meskipun Kantor Ditutup
Al Jazeera Bertahan: Jurnalis Berjanji Terus Melaporkan Meskipun Kantor Ditutup

jfid – Al-Jazeera, the renowned Qatar-based news network, has recently faced an unexpected fate.

Amidst rising tensions, the Israeli government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has closed Al Jazeera’s news bureau operations within its territory.

This decision has shocked many and sparked various speculations. This article will attempt to unravel what has actually happened.

The Closure and Raid

On Sunday, May 5, 2024, Israeli troops raided Al Jazeera’s office located at the Ambassador Hotel in Jerusalem.

Additionally, broadcasting equipment has been seized. This step was taken after the government decided to close the local operations of the Qatari-owned TV station.

Reasons for the Closure

According to Netanyahu, Al Jazeera is considered an inciting media outlet and is accused of threatening Israel’s national security.

During the ongoing war in Gaza, Al Jazeera has been actively reporting on Israeli military operations. The Israeli government accuses Al Jazeera of being a mouthpiece for Hamas.

Al Jazeera’s Reaction

Al Jazeera has responded strongly to this action, describing it as a “criminal act” and rejecting claims that the network threatens Israel’s security as a “dangerous and ludicrous lie.” The network also stated that they have the right to “take every legal measure.”

Impact and Criticism

This closure has drawn criticism from various human rights and press groups. The UN Human Rights Office has also criticized the closure, emphasizing the importance of a free and independent media to ensure transparency and accountability. Nevertheless, the Israeli satellite service Yes has halted Al Jazeera’s broadcasts.


Israel’s closure of Al Jazeera demonstrates an escalation in the ongoing conflict. With tensions rising, it is crucial for all parties to respect freedom of the press and human rights. Moving forward, we all hope for a peaceful solution to be achieved.

Thus, Israel’s closure of Al Jazeera is not just about closing a news bureau but also about freedom of the press and human rights. This is a story that will continue to unfold, and we are all waiting to see how it will ultimately play out.

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