Fashion, Expression or Exploitation?

By Rasyiqi
3 Min Read
Fashion, Expression or Exploitation?
Fashion, Expression or Exploitation?

jfid – Fashion is a general term for popular styles or practices, especially in clothing. Fashion is not only about aesthetics but also about identity, communication, and culture.

However, behind the charm of fashion, there is also criticism that views fashion as a form of exploitation of women’s bodies.

Forms of Self-Expression

One function of fashion is to serve as a means for individuals to express themselves. Fashion can reflect a person’s personality, taste, values, and attitudes.

Fashion can also be a tool for communicating with others, both verbally and non-verbally. It can provide information about social status, profession, affiliations, and preferences.

Fashion can also serve as a medium for expressing oneself creatively and artistically.

Fashion can be an art form that combines color, shape, texture, and pattern. It can manifest someone’s imagination and inspiration.

Exploitation of Women’s Bodies

On the flip side, fashion can also be a tool to exploit women’s bodies for profit.

The fashion industry often establishes unrealistic and unhealthy beauty standards for women, such as slim bodies, fair skin, and long hair.

Fashion can also be a means to restrict women’s mobility.

Social and religious norms often dictate how women should dress, including covering certain body parts, avoiding accentuating curves, and not drawing attention.

Fashion can also be a source of pressure and self-dissatisfaction for women.

They often feel compelled to follow ever-changing fashion trends, compare themselves to others, and sacrifice comfort and health for appearance.

Fashion is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. It can be a positive form of self-expression, but it can also be a negative form of exploitation of women’s bodies.

Women need to realize that fashion is not just about style or costume; it is also related to their rights, freedom, and well-being.

Women should choose fashion that aligns with their true selves, not with standards or norms imposed by others.

Women should also critique fashion as an industry oriented towards profit rather than beauty.

Women should demand inclusive, diverse, and sustainable fashion that values women’s bodies in all shapes and sizes.

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