The Marriage of the English King: A Prelude to Earth’s Apocalypse

Noer Huda
4 Min Read
Pernikahan Raja Inggris, Menjadi Awal Mula Bumi Menuju Kiamatnya
Pernikahan Raja Inggris, Menjadi Awal Mula Bumi Menuju Kiamatnya

jfid – As the issue of climate change continues to escalate, global society is becoming increasingly aware of the urgency to change lifestyles and energy choices.

However, did you know that one historical event, perhaps not immediately thought of, had a significant impact on the course of world energy history?

Yes, let’s go back to the year 1533 when King Henry VIII of England made a decision that not only affected his personal life but also sparked significant changes in the economy and environment.

Henry VIII, known for his stubbornness and penchant for changing wives, faced a major problem in 1533 regarding his relationship with the Roman Catholic Church.

He wanted to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, to marry Anne Boleyn, but the Catholic Church refused the divorce. This triggered one of the most radical changes in English history.

Henry VIII decided to separate the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church, forming the autonomous Church of England and granting himself the power to divorce his wife.

However, the impact of Henry VIII’s decision did not stop there. To strengthen his power and confront resistance from the Catholic Church, Henry VIII confiscated lands owned by the church, including lands rich in coal reserves in the northern regions of England.

He then granted these lands to loyal nobles, who later developed them into profitable coal businesses.

Before this time, coal was not highly sought after in England because society relied more on firewood as a source of energy. However, with forests depleting and energy demand rising, coal began to emerge as a more attractive option.

This sparked a revolution in the use of coal as a fuel, not only for industry but also for technological innovations such as steam engines that catalyzed the Industrial Revolution.

However, the dark side of this progress cannot be ignored. The black smoke from coal burning turned the blue skies of England into a somber color. The air became polluted, leading to adverse health effects, including increased cases of respiratory diseases.

More worrisome, coal usage became one of the major contributors to carbon dioxide emissions, accelerating global warming and climate change.

From a personal decision, Henry VIII not only changed the course of English history but also played a significant role in shaping the world’s energy patterns and the climate crisis we face today.

As modern humans, we are called upon to learn from history and act wisely in choosing sustainable energy sources and lifestyles.

The choice is in our hands; will we follow the footsteps of the greedy Henry VIII, or will we change course towards a future that is more Earth-friendly?

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