Why hasn’t Israel stopped fighting despite IDF casualties continuing to grow since October 7, 2023?

By Rasyiqi - Writer, Saintific Enthusiast
11 Min Read
Analisis Senjata Anti-Tank Hamas vs Perlindungan Lapis Baja Israel
Analisis Senjata Anti-Tank Hamas vs Perlindungan Lapis Baja Israel
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jfid – Israel and Hamas have been engaged in a fierce battle that has not ended since October 7, 2023.

Rocket, air, sea, and land attacks have been raining down on both sides, causing casualties and extensive damage. According to official data, as of December 14, 2023, 115 Israeli soldiers and 18,412 Palestinian civilians have died as a result of this war.

However, despite the increasing casualties, Israel seems to have no intention of stopping its military operations in Gaza. Why is that? What motivates Israel to continue fighting despite international pressure?

To answer these questions, we need to understand the background of the Israel-Hamas conflict, as well as the political and psychological dynamics that influence the attitudes of both sides.

Historical Conflict

Israel and Hamas have a long history filled with hostility and violence. Hamas is an Islamist organization founded in 1987 as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. Hamas rejects the existence of Israel and considers all of Palestine as holy land that must be liberated from Zionist occupation.

Hamas began carrying out terrorist acts against Israel in the 1990s, using suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and shootings. Hamas also played an active role in the two Palestinian Intifadas (uprisings) in 1987-1993 and 2000-2005.

In 2006, Hamas won the general election in Palestine and took control of the parliament. However, the Hamas government was not recognized by Israel, the United States, the European Union, and most of the world’s countries, which consider Hamas a terrorist organization.

In 2007, Hamas took over control of Gaza from Fatah, the secular party led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Since then, Gaza has become an autonomous region governed by Hamas, while the West Bank remains under the control of Fatah.

Israel, which considers Hamas a security threat, has imposed an economic and military blockade on Gaza since 2007. This blockade restricts the movement of people and goods in and out of Gaza, as well as hinders the development of infrastructure and public services in the region.

As a result, Gaza is experiencing a severe humanitarian crisis, with high levels of poverty, unemployment, hunger, and disease. According to a UN report, Gaza could become uninhabitable by 2020.

Periodic Wars

The conflict between Israel and Hamas often heats up and erupts into open war. Since 2008, there have been four major wars between Israel and Hamas, namely:

  • The 2008-2009 Gaza War, which lasted for 22 days and killed 1,417 Palestinians and 13 Israelis.
  • Operation Pillar of Defense 2012, which lasted for eight days and killed 174 Palestinians and six Israelis.
  • The 2014 Gaza War, which lasted for 51 days and killed 2,251 Palestinians and 73 Israelis.
  • The 2023 Gaza War, which is still ongoing and has killed 18,412 Palestinians and 115 Israelis.

These wars are usually triggered by rocket attacks from Hamas to Israel, which are then retaliated by air strikes from Israel to Gaza. These wars are also usually ended with temporary ceasefires that do not solve the root problem of the conflict.

Israel’s Motivation

So, what drives Israel to continue fighting with Hamas, knowing that this war will not bring a peaceful solution and will only cause casualties and damage?

Experts and analysts offer several explanations, including:

  • Israel wants to destroy Hamas’s military capabilities, especially the underground tunnel network, rocket weaponry, and other terror infrastructure. Israel considers this a prerequisite for maintaining its security and sovereignty.
  • Israel wants to show its strength and resilience in the eyes of its enemies, including Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and other radical groups. Israel does not want to appear weak or retreat under international pressure.
  • Israel wants to maintain public and political support at home. The majority of Israelis support military operations in Gaza because they feel threatened by Hamas’s rocket attacks. In addition, the current Israeli government is led by a fragile coalition that is prone to collapse, so war can be a way to rally solidarity and legitimacy.
  • Israel wants to thwart reconciliation efforts between Hamas and Fatah, which could pave the way for the establishment of a united and sovereign Palestinian state. Israel rejects the two-state solution and prefers the status quo that benefits it.


Israel and Hamas are involved in a prolonged and bloody war that shows no signs of ending. Israel has various motivations to continue fighting with Hamas, even though it has to pay a high price. However, this war will not solve the underlying conflict, but will only add to the suffering and hatred on both sides.

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