Why Vaseline is Struggling in the Era of Boycotting Israel

By ZAJ - SEO Expert | AI Enthusiast
3 Min Read
Mengapa Vaseline Terpuruk di Era Boikot Israel
Mengapa Vaseline Terpuruk di Era Boikot Israel
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jfid – In this era of globalization and rapid information, consumers do not only consider quality and price when choosing products.

Ethical and moral values have also become important considerations. One issue that is being hotly discussed is the boycott of products allegedly supporting Israel. Two products in the spotlight are Vaseline and Nivea.


Indonesian people are increasingly boycotting products suspected of being pro-Israel. This was triggered by a fatwa (ruling) from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which forbids the use of products that support that country.

The two products most sought after in relation to this are Nivea and Vaseline lotions. Both are the best-selling lotion brands in the Indonesian market.

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Facts and Analysis

Based on research, Nivea and Vaseline are indeed on the list of pro-Israel products. Nivea is a product of PT Beiersdorf AG, a renowned German skincare company.

Beiersdorf is known to have donated $1.1 million to support Israel. Meanwhile, Vaseline is a Unilever product, a multinational company headquartered in the Netherlands.

Unilever is also known to have donated $1.7 million to support Israel. In addition, Unilever is known to still supply the Israeli market.

Consumer Dilemma

Consumers face a dilemma between choosing products that have become part of their daily routine or boycotting those products to support a moral and political issue.

On one hand, Vaseline and Nivea are products that have long been used and trusted by the public. On the other hand, consumers also have a conscience and empathy towards the ongoing humanitarian issue.


In this situation, consumers must make decisions based on their own conscience. They must consider whether they want to continue using the products or seek alternatives.

However, most importantly, consumers must always get accurate and complete information before making a decision.

Final Note

The product boycott is not the ultimate solution to this conflict, but rather a symbolic form of protest showing solidarity with Palestine. This boycott action is expected to prompt Israel to quickly implement a ceasefire.

However, more importantly is finding a peaceful and fair solution to this conflict. Hopefully this article can provide new insights and help you make the right decision.

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