General Juan Jose Zuniga Attempts Coup in Bolivia, Here’s His Motive!

Ummu Alvina
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Jenderal Juan Jose Zuniga Mencoba Kudeta di Bolivia, Ini Motifnya! (Ilustrasi)
Jenderal Juan Jose Zuniga Mencoba Kudeta di Bolivia, Ini Motifnya! (Ilustrasi)

jfid – Bolivia was shaken by an attempted coup led by General Juan Jose Zuniga. This incident drew international attention and sparked various speculations regarding the motives behind such a bold move. Although General Zuniga claimed that his actions were driven by a desire to “restore democracy,” many question the validity of this claim.

General Juan Jose Zuniga is a high-ranking officer in the Bolivian military, long known as a controversial figure. Born in 1965 in La Paz, Zuniga began his military career at a young age and quickly rose through the ranks due to his expertise in military strategy. However, his reputation came into question when he became embroiled in various corruption scandals that tarnished his name.

The coup attempt began in the early hours of June 26, when troops loyal to Zuniga moved towards the presidential palace in La Paz. According to reports from various media outlets, gunfire and explosions were heard around the palace, causing panic among local residents. However, security forces loyal to President Luis Arce managed to thwart the attempt within a few hours.

In a press conference, Bolivia’s Justice Minister Ivan Lima stated, “This coup attempt is a very serious act and cannot be tolerated. General Zuniga will be prosecuted according to the applicable law.”

Zuniga’s motivations remain a mystery, but in an interview with local media after his arrest, he revealed several reasons behind his actions. “I am fed up with the political elite continually betraying the people. I did this to restore democracy,” he said.

However, many doubt Zuniga’s statements. “No democracy can be restored through violence,” said local political analyst Dr. Maria Fernandez. “This looks more like a desperate move by a man who feels his power is threatened.”

The coup attempt took place in Bolivia’s capital, La Paz, in the early hours of June 26, 2024. The main location of the incident was the presidential palace, where a shootout occurred between forces loyal to Zuniga and government security forces.

The coup attempt has heightened tensions in Bolivia, both within the military and among civilians. In his speech, President Luis Arce stated, “This is a dark day for Bolivian democracy, but we will continue to fight to maintain our country’s stability and security.”

Additionally, the coup attempt has impacted Bolivia’s international relations. Several countries, including the United States and European Union nations, condemned Zuniga’s actions and expressed their support for the legitimate Bolivian government.

The Bolivian government acted swiftly to handle the situation. In addition to arresting Zuniga and his loyalists, the government also launched a thorough investigation to determine if others were involved in the coup attempt. “We will not stop until all those responsible are brought to justice,” said Interior Minister Arturo Murillo.

According to military expert Colonel (Ret.) Carlos Mendoza, the coup attempt indicates deep dissatisfaction within the Bolivian military. “This is a sign that there are serious problems within our military. Reforms must be implemented to prevent this from happening again,” he said.

Conversely, Dr. Ana Suarez, a political expert from the University of San Andres, believes that the coup attempt reflects broader political instability in Bolivia. “We must see this as a reflection of the wider political issues in Bolivia. The government needs to work hard to improve this situation,” she said.

The coup attempt led by General Juan Jose Zuniga has opened old wounds and added tension in Bolivia. While the true motives behind this action are still debated, one thing is clear: Bolivia faces significant challenges in restoring stability and trust. The government and the international community must work together to ensure that such attempts are not repeated in the future.

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