Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Plays a Crucial Role in Saeed Jalili’s Campaign for the Second Round of Iran’s Presidential Election

Ummu Alvina By Ummu Alvina
4 Min Read
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Berperan Penting dalam Kampanye Saeed Jalili di Putaran Kedua Pilpres Iran (Ilustrasi)
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Berperan Penting dalam Kampanye Saeed Jalili di Putaran Kedua Pilpres Iran (Ilustrasi)
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jfid – In the dynamics of Iranian politics, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has long been a central figure with undeniable influence.

Currently, his role is once again in the spotlight during Saeed Jalili’s campaign for the second round of the Iranian Presidential Election.

With a political background steeped in loyalty to this supreme leader, Jalili positions himself as the candidate most faithful to the values and principles championed by Khamenei.

Saeed Jalili, a former Iranian nuclear negotiator, continuously emphasizes his loyalty to Ayatollah Khamenei as a main pillar of his campaign.

“I am committed to upholding the values of the Islamic revolution and remaining faithful to the guidance of Ayatollah Khamenei,” Jalili stated in one of his campaign rallies in Tehran.

This loyalty is demonstrated through various actions and political rhetoric, including his rejection of any foreign intervention that contradicts Khamenei’s views.

As the supreme leader of Iran, Khamenei provides guidance and moral support to Jalili.

Their relationship is not only hierarchical but also strategic. Jalili is known as Khamenei’s representative on the Supreme National Security Council, which is Iran’s highest security body.

This position is not only a symbol of loyalty but also showcases the level of trust Khamenei places in Jalili.

In one of his speeches, Khamenei implicitly highlighted the importance of having a leader capable of maintaining a hardline stance against the West and not easily swayed by foreign promises.

This has been widely interpreted as tacit support for Jalili, who is well-known for his anti-Western stance.

The anti-Western issue has become a central pillar of Jalili’s campaign. He frequently underscores the importance of maintaining national sovereignty and rejecting foreign interference in Iran’s domestic affairs.

“We will not allow the West to control our nation’s destiny. Iran must be led by those who understand the threats and temptations from outside,” Jalili declared during one of the presidential debates.

This stance aligns with Khamenei’s consistent criticism of Western policies towards Iran.

In addition to his anti-Western stance, Jalili also emphasizes the importance of preserving Iran’s traditional values.

He strives to demonstrate that he is the most suitable candidate for maintaining the country’s culture and traditions.

“Our cultural values are our identity. We must protect and preserve this heritage amid the waves of globalization,” Jalili said in an interview.

Khamenei himself has often stressed the importance of upholding these traditional values on various occasions.

The loyalty and influence of Ayatollah Khamenei on Saeed Jalili’s campaign not only provide Jalili with a competitive edge in this political contest but also reveal the power dynamics within Iran.

For voters, this election is not just about choosing a president but also about selecting Iran’s future under the shadow of Khamenei’s influence.

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