Who said boycotting Israeli products doesn’t make a difference?

By Rasyiqi - Writer, Saintific Enthusiast
3 Min Read
Siapa Bilang Boikot Produk Israel Gak Ngaruh?
Siapa Bilang Boikot Produk Israel Gak Ngaruh?
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jfid – The boycott against Israeli products has become a global movement involving various countries, including Yemen and the United Arab Emirates.

This movement originated as part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, officially launched in 2005.

The BDS movement began with over 170 international organizations representing political parties, labor unions, NGOs, youth groups, and women’s groups, calling for a boycott and sanctions against Israel.

Their goal is to address the increasing isolation and occupation of Palestine.

The boycott of Israeli products has gained momentum in Muslim-majority countries and some Western countries.

However, a Pew survey published in May 2022 found that 84% of Americans have little or no awareness of the BDS movement, with only 5% of respondents having heard of BDS.

The boycott of Israeli products in Malaysia and other countries can be considered part of BDS, but most people are unfamiliar with BDS and its ideology, leading to participation based on blind compliance.

Nevertheless, this global boycott movement reflects the unity of the Muslim community and their concerns about Israeli policies in the Palestinian territories.

In 2015, a report from the global policy think tank Rand Corporation estimated that BDS and other financial and trade sanctions resulted in a cumulative reduction of around $15 billion in Israel’s GDP over 10 years.

However, despite the widespread spread of the boycott movement, there are some countries that choose not to participate.

One of them is the United Arab Emirates, which recently ended their boycott of Israeli products.

Thus, the boycott of Israeli products demonstrates how global issues can influence the policies and economies of a country.

While there is debate about the effectiveness and economic impact of this boycott, it cannot be denied that this movement has brought about significant changes in international relations and global trade.

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