Rohingya Refugees Receive Monthly Allowance of IDR 1.25 Million But Still Complain, What do Indigenous People Receive?

By ZAJ - SEO Expert | AI Enthusiast
7 Min Read
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However, these humanitarian efforts have faced criticism and questions from some Indonesian citizens, especially those living in poverty. They feel that the government is unfair and doesn’t appreciate them, focusing more on the fate of Rohingya refugees than their own.

They also doubt the effectiveness and accountability of the aid funds provided to Rohingya refugees. They demand that the government be more focused and serious in addressing poverty issues in Indonesia.

One social activist concerned about the plight of the poor in Indonesia is Surya Anta, the coordinator of the Indonesian People’s Front for Human Rights (FRIHAM).

He stated that the Indonesian government should not only provide humanitarian aid to Rohingya refugees but also extend the same aid to the poor in Indonesia.

He said that the poor in Indonesia also have the same human rights as Rohingya refugees, such as the right to food, healthcare, education, and decent housing.

Anta stated that the Indonesian government should not solely rely on aid from donor countries or international organizations but should allocate state budgets to address poverty issues in Indonesia.

He emphasized that the Indonesian government should have comprehensive and sustainable policies and programs to eradicate poverty in Indonesia, involving the participation and empowerment of the poor communities.

Anta also mentioned that the Indonesian government should not only provide consumptive aid but also offer productive assistance such as business capital, skill training, and market access.

He said that the government should not just give fish but also teach how to fish.

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