Robert Kiyosaki’s Controversial Prediction: The US Headed Towards Its Greatest Economic Collapse?

Lukman Sanjaya
2 Min Read
Robert Kiyosaki’s Controversial Prediction: The US Headed Towards Its Greatest Economic Collapse?
Robert Kiyosaki’s Controversial Prediction: The US Headed Towards Its Greatest Economic Collapse?
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jfid – Currently, veteran investor and bestselling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” Robert Kiyosaki, is causing a stir with his startling statements.

Through a recent podcast interview, Kiyosaki made a rather drastic prediction, asserting his belief that the United States (US) will plummet to become the poorest country in the world.

This statement was made while Kiyosaki was in India for the Growth Summit India 2023. At that moment, he didn’t hesitate to voice his opinion, stating, “America will become the poorest country in the world, starting now.

“Not only did he present this striking prediction, but during the same opportunity, Kiyosaki delved into various relevant topics, including the significance of his three favorite investments and the shift in global financial dynamics.

One of his key points was about the US dollar’s position as the global reserve currency.In his typical style, Kiyosaki often likens the US dollar to a piece of toilet paper, labeling fiat currency as “fake money.

” When explaining his stance on fiat money, he boldly stated, “Anyone working for dollars, yen, peso, rupee – it’s fake.

Foolish people work for this.”Furthermore, in Kiyosaki’s perspective on wealth, he depicts gold as God’s destined currency, Bitcoin as the people-supported currency, while fiat dollars are portrayed as having no intrinsic value.

On a particular Sunday (10/12/2023), Kiyosaki sternly warned his followers to immediately withdraw a sum of cash from banks as a precautionary measure against a potential unprecedented economic collapse.

He wrote emphatically, “This might be the beginning of the greatest collapse in history.

“Nevertheless, it’s essential to note that these statements and predictions are Kiyosaki’s personal views.

The passage of time will ultimately determine whether this controversial prediction will materialize or remain merely speculative.

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