Political Prisoner Release in Bolivia? Here’s the Detailed Explanation!

Ummu Alvina
2 Min Read
Pembebasan Tahanan Politik di Bolivia? Simak Penjelasan Lengkapnya! (Ilustrasi)
Pembebasan Tahanan Politik di Bolivia? Simak Penjelasan Lengkapnya! (Ilustrasi)
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jfid – On June 27, 2024, political tensions in Bolivia reached a climax as General Juan Jose Zuniga led a coup attempt targeting the incumbent government.

In his statement, Zuniga claimed that the main goal of his coup was to “restore true democracy” which he believed had been tainted by the rule of a few for years.

However, these sentiments were soon met with staunch opposition. Bolivia’s Minister of Justice, Ivan Lima, sharply responded that Zuniga’s claims were lies and part of an effort to justify his power ambitions.

Lima accused Zuniga of terrorism and armed rebellion, asserting that the coup was not about supporting democracy but about enforcing authoritarian rule.

Essentially, Zuniga’s claim of “freeing political prisoners” was viewed by the legitimate government as an unlawful coup and a serious threat to Bolivia’s democratic stability.

While Zuniga sought to convince the public of his good intentions to restore what he believed was a deteriorating democracy, Lima and government supporters emphasized that the actions undermined newly repaired democratic foundations following previous periods of political turmoil.

This controversy reflects deep polarization in Bolivian politics, where the claims and realities surrounding the goals and consequences of coup attempts raise critical questions about the country’s democratic future.

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