Australia and New Zealand to be Among the First Nations to Celebrate the New Year

Syafiqur Rahman
6 Min Read
Australia dan Selandia Baru Jadi Negara Pertama yang Merayakan Tahun Baru
Australia dan Selandia Baru Jadi Negara Pertama yang Merayakan Tahun Baru
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This hope feels more urgent, given the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, which threaten global stability and security.

Ukraine and Russia accuse each other of escalating tensions on their border, which could potentially trigger a war. Meanwhile, in Gaza, Israel and Hamas resumed fighting, after an Egypt-brokered ceasefire failed.

This hope also feels more important, given the Covid-19 pandemic, which is still not over. Although many countries have vaccinated and implemented health protocols, the coronavirus continues to mutate and spread, creating new variants that are more contagious and dangerous.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), by the end of 2023, there were more than 300 million cases of Covid-19 and more than 6 million deaths due to Covid-19 worldwide.

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Therefore, in 2024, the world hopes to resolve conflicts and pandemics, and create peace and health for everyone. Hopefully, this hope can be realized, and hopefully, 2024 will be a better year than 2023.

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