The Facts of Rothschild, the Businessman Behind the Israel-Palestine Conflict

By ZAJ - SEO Expert | AI Enthusiast
9 Min Read
Fakta Rothschild, Pengusaha Di Balik Konflik Israel Palestina
Fakta Rothschild, Pengusaha Di Balik Konflik Israel Palestina
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jfid – The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been going on for decades without any signs of resolution. Many parties have tried to intervene and mediate between the two sides, but the results are still far from expectations.

Behind the conflict that has claimed thousands of lives, there is a name that is often mentioned as one of the main masterminds, namely the Rothschild family.

Who are the Rothschild family? Why are they considered as the businessmen behind the Israel-Palestine conflict?

What are their motives and goals in supporting the establishment of the state of Israel?

This article will try to reveal the facts about the Rothschild family and their role in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The Rothschild family is a Jewish banking dynasty that originated from Germany in the 18th century. They built their wealth and influence through banking, trade, and investment businesses in various European countries.

They were also involved in politics, philanthropy, and art. The Rothschild family is known as one of the richest and most powerful families in the world.

One of the most influential members of the Rothschild family in history was Walter Rothschild, a British banker and politician who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

He was a Zionist, a follower of the ideology that advocated the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. He also became the president of the Zionist Federation of Britain, an organization that fought to realize the Zionist aspirations.

Walter Rothschild was the person who received a letter from the British Foreign Minister, Arthur Balfour, on November 2, 1917.

This letter is known as the Balfour Declaration, an official statement that declared the support of the British government for the establishment of a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine.

The letter also stated that the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine should not be prejudiced.

The Balfour Declaration is considered as a milestone in the history of Zionism and Israel. The letter gave political and legal legitimacy to the Zionist movement to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.

The letter also showed that Britain, as one of the largest colonial powers at that time, sided with the Zionists and was willing to help them.

However, the Balfour Declaration also caused controversy and conflict. The Arab population in Palestine, who were the majority, felt disrespected and ignored by Britain. They rejected the Zionist plan to take over their land.

They also felt betrayed by Britain, who had previously promised to give independence to the Arab people if they helped fight against the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany, in World War I.

The conflict between the Zionists and the Arabs in Palestine intensified after World War II, when many Jewish refugees from Europe who were victims of the Holocaust came to Palestine.

In 1947, the United Nations (UN) issued a plan to divide Palestine into two states, namely Israel and Palestine. The plan was accepted by the Zionists, but rejected by the Arabs.

In 1948, the Zionists declared the independence of Israel, which was recognized by Britain, the United States, and other countries. However, the Arabs attacked Israel, which sparked the first war between Israel and the Arab countries.

This war was won by Israel, which managed to expand its territory. Since then, Israel has been in conflict with Palestine and other Arab countries, such as Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Israel also received military, economic, and political support from the United States and other Western countries.

Palestine, on the other hand, received support from Islamic countries, the Soviet Union, and non-aligned countries.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is still ongoing until now, despite some peace efforts made by the UN, the United States, and other parties.

The conflict has caused a lot of suffering, death, displacement, human rights violations, and international law violations. The conflict also became a source of tension and instability in the Middle East and the world.

The Rothschild family, as one of the main supporters of Zionism and Israel, certainly cannot escape from the responsibility for this conflict.

They have used their wealth and influence to finance, lobby, and manipulate the parties involved in this conflict.

They also have economic and political interests in Israel and the Middle East. They are considered as part of the global elite that controls the world.

What are the motives and goals of the Rothschild family in supporting Zionism and Israel? There are several possible answers to this question.

First, they may be driven by their identity and solidarity as the Jewish people, who feel threatened and discriminated by the world. They may want to have their own homeland, which was promised by God to them, and protect their fellow Jews from violence and persecution.

Second, they may be driven by their ambition and greed as bankers and businessmen, who want to dominate the resources and markets in the Middle East.

They may want to expand their network and profits in the region that is rich in oil, gas, and trade. They may also want to influence and intervene in the policies and political decisions in the region.

Third, they may be driven by their ideology and agenda as part of the global elite, who want to create a new world order that suits their will and interests.

They may want to control and change the world according to their plan and vision. They may also want to prepare for the coming of the Jewish Messiah, who is believed to lead the world from Jerusalem.

Whatever the motives and goals of the Rothschild family in supporting Zionism and Israel, the fact is that they have played a big role in creating and prolonging the Israel-Palestine conflict.

They have been one of the causes and triggers of this conflict. They have also been one of the obstacles and impediments to peace and justice in the Middle East.

Therefore, if we want to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, we cannot ignore or underestimate the role and influence of the Rothschild family. We have to expose and criticize their policies and actions that are detrimental and damaging to both sides.

We have to demand and urge them to be responsible and contribute positively to peace and welfare in the Middle East. We have to uphold the rights and truth for all people, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or nation.

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