Norbertha Kanu Happy Receives Layer Chicken Capital and a New House from the Ministry of Social Affairs

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Norbertha Kanu Bahagia Dapat Modal Ayam Petelur dan Rumah Baru dari Kemensos (Ilustrasi)
Norbertha Kanu Bahagia Dapat Modal Ayam Petelur dan Rumah Baru dari Kemensos (Ilustrasi)
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jfid- In an effort to improve quality of life and provide assistance to needy communities, the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemensos) has launched various initiatives to help those living in zinc-roofed houses.

One interesting story is about Norbertha Kanu, a housewife residing in Lauran Village, Tanimbar, who received assistance in house renovation and capital for layer chickens from Kemensos.

Norbertha Kanu, 40, never imagined that her long-damaged house would be renovated by Kemensos.

The house, formerly zinc-walled, has now been transformed into a more decent and comfortable home.

This assistance is very meaningful to Kanu, as the previously dilapidated condition of her house had been a burden on her family.

Kanu’s success in receiving this assistance is not only due to her own efforts but also due to support from Kemensos.

“I never imagined that my house would be renovated by Kemensos. I am very grateful to Kemensos for providing such meaningful assistance to me and my family,” said Kanu in an interview with the media.

In addition to receiving a renovated house, Kanu also received capital for layer chickens from Kemensos.

This capital is very significant to Kanu, as layer chickens can help increase her family’s income. “I am very grateful to Kemensos for providing capital for layer chickens.

With this capital, I hope to increase my income and provide a better life for my family,” said Kanu.

The assistance provided by Kemensos is not limited to house renovations and capital for layer chickens.

Kemensos has also launched various other initiatives to assist needy communities. An example is the “Mensos Risma” program introduced by Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini.

This program aims to provide business assistance to needy communities so they can increase their income and achieve a better life.

In an interview with, Tri Rismaharini explained that the “Mensos Risma” program aims to assist needy communities.

“Mensos Risma is a program aimed at providing business assistance to needy communities. We want to help communities increase their income and achieve a better life,” said Rismaharini.

Norbertha Kanu also hopes to inspire other needy communities.

“I hope to set an example for other needy communities. With this assistance, I hope to increase my income and provide a better life for my family,” said Kanu.

Thus, Norbertha Kanu’s story serves as an example of how Kemensos can assist needy communities.

The assistance provided by Kemensos extends beyond house renovations and capital for layer chickens to include various other initiatives aimed at helping needy communities.

As a result, communities can increase their income and achieve a better life.

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