Choose End-of-Month Fruit Ice: Delicious Fresh Drink Typical of Indonesia to Welcome the End of the Month

By Nafa
3 Min Read
Es Buah Akhir Bulan: Lezatnya Minuman Segar Khas Indonesia untuk Menyambut Akhir Bulan (Ilustrasi)
Es Buah Akhir Bulan: Lezatnya Minuman Segar Khas Indonesia untuk Menyambut Akhir Bulan (Ilustrasi)

jfid – End-of-Month Fruit Ice is one of the most popular refreshing drinks in Indonesia, especially towards the end of the month.

This beverage not only refreshes but also boasts the distinctive flavors of tropical fruits.

For tourists looking to experience the deliciousness and uniqueness of End-of-Month Fruit Ice, here are the recipe and serving suggestions you can try.


Fresh Fruits: Choose various fresh fruits like pineapple, orange, mango, melon, and grapes. Cut them into small pieces according to your preference.

Fresh Syrup: Prepare palm sugar syrup or flavored syrup according to your preference. Palm sugar syrup provides a delicious aroma and taste typical of Indonesia.

Shaved Ice: Prepare enough shaved ice for a refreshing texture.

Nata de Coco: Optional, add nata de coco for additional fruit variation and attractive presentation.

Sweetened Condensed Milk: Optional, add a bit of sweetened condensed milk to add smoothness to the fruit ice.


Prepare the Fruits: Cut fresh fruits into small pieces. Separate nata de coco if using.

Prepare Serving Bowls or Glasses: Take serving bowls or glasses to serve the fruit ice.

Arrange the Fruits: Arrange fresh fruits and nata de coco attractively in the bowls or glasses.

Add Shaved Ice: Add an adequate amount of shaved ice into the bowls or glasses.

Drizzle with Syrup: Pour palm sugar syrup or your preferred syrup over the fruits and shaved ice.

Add Sweetened Condensed Milk (Optional): For those who enjoy sweetness and creaminess, add a little sweetened condensed milk on top of the fruit ice.

Serve: End-of-Month Fruit Ice is ready to enjoy! Serve with a straw and spoon for a complete experience.

Serving Tips:

Creativity in Fruit Variations: Try seasonal fruit variations to create different End-of-Month Fruit Ice each time you make it.

Attractive Presentation: Add garnishes like mint leaves or fresh fruit pieces on top of the fruit ice for a more appealing presentation.

Serve Chilled: Ensure to serve the fruit ice cold to keep it refreshing when consumed.

By following this recipe, you can enjoy the freshness and distinctive Indonesian flavors of End-of-Month Fruit Ice, perfect for enjoying at the end of the month or anytime you desire. Enjoy trying and savor this fresh Indonesian dish!

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