Washington’s Birthday or Presidents’ Day? Here Are Some Interesting Facts about the US Holiday

By ZAJ - SEO Expert | AI Enthusiast
5 Min Read
Washington’s Birthday atau Presidents’ Day? Ini Dia Fakta-Fakta Menarik tentang Hari Libur AS
Washington’s Birthday atau Presidents’ Day? Ini Dia Fakta-Fakta Menarik tentang Hari Libur AS
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jfid – Monday, February 19, 2024, is a federal holiday in the United States. But, do you know the official name of this holiday?

Is it Washington’s Birthday, Presidents’ Day, or President’s Day? Why are there so many variations in spelling and naming for the same holiday?

Let’s delve into the history and interesting facts about this holiday.

Washington’s Birthday: The First Day to Honor the US President

It all began with Washington’s Birthday. In 1885, the US Government decided to honor the first US president, George Washington, with its own federal holiday:

Washington’s Birthday. This holiday is celebrated on Washington’s actual birthday, February 22. In 1885, this day fell on a Sunday.

Almost a hundred years later, in 1971, the US Congress changed the celebration date of Washington’s Birthday to the third Monday in February to create a long weekend.

Congress never officially changed the name of this holiday, so federally, it is still referred to as “Washington’s Birthday.”

Presidents’ Day: A Day to Honor All US Presidents

However, some US states introduced their own state holidays with different names.

Some states chose to celebrate the birthdays of presidents other than Washington, such as Abraham Lincoln, who was born on February 12.

Some states chose to celebrate all US presidents, both living and deceased.

Some states chose to use the name “Presidents’ Day” in their holiday titles, with variations in spelling and punctuation.

As a result, there are many different names for the same holiday among US states. According to timeanddate.com, seven states and DC call it “Washington’s Birthday” or “George Washington Day”.

There are five states that use a combination of Washington and another president, usually Lincoln. There are four states that use Washington and “Presidents’ Day” in their titles.

There are 24 states that use “Presidents’ Day” in some variations. And there are ten states that do not celebrate this holiday at all.

President’s Day: Common Mistake or Alternative Spelling?

One of the most common name variations is “President’s Day”, with a single quotation mark before the letter S.

This means that this holiday honors only one president, not multiple presidents. However, there is no agreement on which president is meant. Is it Washington, Lincoln, or the current president?

Some people consider “President’s Day” to be a spelling mistake or punctuation error because it does not match the federal official name or the intention of this holiday.

However, some people consider it a valid alternative spelling because it is used by ten US states and many mass media outlets.

In fact, calendar-365.com notes that “President’s Day” is the most frequently searched spelling on the internet.

Washington’s Birthday 2024: How to Celebrate It? No matter what name you use for this holiday, you can celebrate it in various ways.

Some ideas you can try are:

Visiting monuments, museums, or historical sites related to US presidents, such as Mount Rushmore, the White House, or the Presidential Library.

Reading biographies, speeches, or quotes from your favorite US presidents, or watching films or documentaries about them.

Participating in quizzes, puzzles, or trivia games about US presidents, or creating your own for family and friends.

Baking cakes, pies, or other American dishes, or trying out favorite recipes from US presidents, such as Washington cherry cake or Lincoln bean soup.

Expressing gratitude to the current US president or former living presidents by sending letters, emails, or greeting cards.

Washington’s Birthday 2024 is an interesting and meaningful holiday that you can celebrate in your own way.

Hopefully, this article can provide you with insights and inspiration about this holiday. Happy celebrating Washington’s Birthday 2024!

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